CEM system for plant operation optimization, compliance with environmental regulations and preservation of blue sky above our heads
Continuous emission monitoring (CEM) includes the sum of activities aimed on determination and reporting of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere from stationary emission source. Coal-fired, oil-fired, and biomass power plants, waste incinerators, cement plants, kraft pulp mills, and many other industries worldwide are enforced to continuously monitor, limit and submit continuous records of their emissions to the local environment control agencies.
In the past the environmental regulation was the driving force for CEMS development and application. But recently, CEM system is being used increasingly for process control and optimization. The benefits of knowing what and in what quantities is emitted is becoming more and more recognized. The knowledge about emission and application of CEMS helps to make the plant run efficiently and reduce pollutants emission to the atmosphere.
HORIBA with more than 50 years experience and more than 100,000 systems installed worldwide is your true partner in reliable and cost-effective emission monitoring on the way to carbon neutral society. With decades of experience and technological advancement, we are confident in our premium quality and pleased to support with best fit solutions for every single customer and variety of applications: stack emission monitoring for steam boiler, thermal and biomass power generation stations, waste incinerators, gas turbine combustion monitoring, Green House Gas (GHG) monitoring and research, post combustion Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and more.
ENDA-5000 Series
Stack Gas Analysis System
Continuous simultaneous and high-precision measurement of NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, and O2
HORIBA has over 100,000 CEM systems installed and 30 years of quality and experience. That is the base on which HORIBA’s new ENDA-5000 series of stack-gas analysis systems are built. These systems have a small footprint and use cross-flow modulated non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) and magneto-pneumatic detectors that are inherently drift-free. The ENDA-5000 series are superior continuous analysis systems that perform reliably for difficult exhaust gas measurements, when measurement errors cannot be tolerated. This CEM series features a new intuitive touch panel that makes every operation available with the touch of a single button. The ENDA-5000 series systems are also designed for ease of maintenance. They are ideal for a variety of uses, including emissions monitoring from steam boilers, refuse incinerators, and electric power generation plants to assure pollution standards are being met.

Long-term stability : Cross-flow modulated non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detection is renowned for long-term stability
- No need for optical adjustments
With NDIR, the sample gas and reference gas are intromitted into a single measurement cell alternately to obtain modulation signal. Therefore there is no need to adjust two different optical paths so that they are balanced. - A stable zero point
Since ENDA-5000 series output the difference between the measured gas and the reference gas each time measurement occures (once a second), the zero point is extremely stable. - Continuous cleaning keeps the cell clean
Since cleaning air is fed into the sample cell in between each batch of sample gas, the cell resistes contamination and normally remains clean.This reduces span drift and makes the equipment safe and stable for long periods of time.
Compact: Body yields wider maintenance area
ENDA-5000 series can be installed almost anywhere, with ample room on all sides for easy access and much easirer maintenance.
Easy to use: Features an intuitive touch panel
The operator can easily switch between the corrected and converted density settings screens or view alert information with touch of a single button.